Conventional & Addressable Fire Alarm System

Nohmi Bosai continues to strive to give customers an assurance of "safety" by providing optimum fire protection systems and a wide variety of services. To this end, the company, as a pioneer in the fire protection industry, is always aggressively challenging new fields of fire technologies, which include the following.
An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is classified as either automatically actuated, manually actuated, or both.
Automatic fire alarm systems are intended to notify the building occupants to evacuate in the event of a fire or other emergency, report the event to an off-premises location in order to summon emergency services, and to prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and smoke.
The Integlex system is a flexible analog addressable fire alarm system. With its versatility, the system can be used in a variety of applications. In addition to typical point type analog detectors, a dedicated type of Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus. VESDA Lasercompact has been fully integreated into the system.
Maximum 64 nodes can be flexibly located and networked using Network Interface Unit (NIU) or/and System Interface Unit (SIU). Fiber Optic System is also available for the network using Fiber-Optic Interface Module (FIM).